My Journey With Camunda — Part 6 — Custom Tasklist ApplicationIn last part, we have seen Camunda Tasklist. It’s a good web app that normal user can use to perform their daily tasks. However, to…Mar 1, 20215Mar 1, 20215
My Journey With Camunda — Part 5 — Tasklist FormCamunda provide a ready-to-use web application that allows end users to work on the tasks assigned to them. Its called Tasklist. While…May 12, 20192May 12, 20192
My Journey with Camunda — Part 4— External Service Task With GolangWe have deployed our BPMN to Camunda engine. Before we create Golang external service task, let’s see if we can create instance with it.May 11, 2019May 11, 2019
My Journey with Camunda — Part 3— Business Process CaseNow, I will create a simple workflow as our case study. Let’s create Leave Request workflow. Because who don’t need vacation, right?May 5, 20191May 5, 20191
My Journey with Camunda — Part 2 — Camunda DeploymentFirst order of business is to deploy Camunda. There are several installation options as listed in documentation here. Obvious choice, we…May 3, 2019May 3, 2019
My Journey with Camunda — TOCThis is multipart series where I wrote my journey using Camunda from a non-java developer perspective.May 3, 20192May 3, 20192
My Journey with Camunda — Part 1 — When a Golang Developer Need a Workflow SystemSeems like most open source enterprise applications that I know are written in Java. For example, we have Camunda for BPM (Business…May 3, 20193May 3, 20193